Administration disrespects our military

After a hiatus because of being in the middle of the Colorado flooding without internet etc. its time to respond to certain aspects of the government shutdown. One particular area that has gained little media attention is the total disrespect Obama and his administration is showing the military. The Pentagon says that as long as the budget impasse lasts, it will not be able to pay death benefits to the families of troops killed in combat nor provide family transportation to attend services for their loved ones. This is appalling and shows how the administration is playing politics over what it chooses to defund. I would not be surprised if both the President and Secretary of Defense Hagel have the discretionary power to fund this immediately but they refuse to do so. So it gets left up to private charities and Congress to “step up”.

This is just the latest affront to our military by the Obama administration and is another demonstration of how little respect and concern this administration shows for our troops and their families. It is a “slap in the face” to our military showing a gross indifference at best to disgusting negligence at worst. From the debacle of closing the WWII Memorial to veterans, to not allowing contract clergy to go on a military base to conduct services, to ordering Catholic chaplains not to read Bishop’s letters confronting the HHS mandate; this administration is not living up to its obligations to service men and women. As a veteran I am furious and am tired of this administration political ploys at the expense of our military.

Why isn’t this story getting more coverage by the mainline media? It is very apparent the press wants to paint the GOP as the bad guys. While there is enough blame to go around it is very clear that the decisions the administration made and is making as to what to fund and not fund has one purpose – make the people hurt and blame Republicans. That is the story but no one is reporting it. The administration can fund public television but not death benefits for our serviceman. While I suppose all this can be considered “political hardball” it should not be played at the expense of those serving in the military.  Obama and his administration have clearly shown that they do not understand the definition of honor by their actions toward those who practice it daily, placing themselves in harm’s way.

About stmichaelwarrior
Tom Collingwood Ph.D. is an exercise psychologist and naturalist. He is a practicing Catholic who is active in the Knights of Columbus, RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) and Creatio (a Church based environmental initiative). He lives in Richardson, Texas and Estes Park, Colorado. Over the years he has installed hundreds of physical fitness and outdoor education programs for at-risk youth and law enforcement agencies.

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